Day-1 of IEEE RMC

Registrations (Distribution of registration kits to the audience and attendance)
Distribution of registration kits to the audience and attendance
IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin

Inauguration by IEEE R10, Delhi Section, NorthCap University & Organizing Committee, IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin

Tea Break
Tea Break for Day 1
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Keynote/Networking Session
Moderated discussion with WIE Chairs of all IEEE Sections (Theme needs to be mentioned)
IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin

MTR Track Talk : A Conscious Effort at Revitalizing Self Esteem
MTR Track Talk : A Conscious Effort at Revitalizing Self Esteem
IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin

WAYOP Track Talk : My Choice – My Work – My Pace
My Choice - My Work - My Pace by Dr. Kaibalya Kumar Sethi
IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin

WAYOP Track Talk : My Choice – My Work – My Pace
My Choice - My Work - My Pace by Dr. Kaibalya Kumar Sethi
IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin

BMS Track : Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion by Panelists: Dr. Rekha J., Debanjana D., Rachana, Arundhati
IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin IEEE Returning Mothers Conference Admin

Please select the type of registration you prefer: INR (Indian Rupee) or USD (United States Dollar)?