About Us

What is Returning Mothers Conference?​

Returning Mothers is a concept to support every individual who is on career break and is planning to return to the workforce. Empowering them is the basic requirement and the ideal way for this is to improve the skills in every possible aspect to move a step forward towards their goal. Returning Mothers Conference aims to integrate what is required with what is possible to achieve career sustainability in the fields of academia, industry and entrepreneurship.

Who should attend RMC ?

What will attendees gain?​

Message from Our

General Founding Chair

“This conference is a tribute to all the women who have encouraged and supported others to overcome obstacles and move forward in spite of adversity, thus putting in their heart and soul & contributing their talents and efforts to uplift society. I was helped by many such role models and I am simply passing on the legacy.”

– Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu
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