Inauguration Ceremony (15/11/2024)

TimeSession Details
9:00 - 9:05AMInvocation
9:05 - 9:10AMWelcome Address - Srinivas, Chair, Bangalore Section
9:10 - 9:15 AMConference Overview - Ramalatha Marimuthu, Conference General Chair
9:15 - 9:20 AMLighting of Lamp by the dignitories
9:20 - 9:35 AMInaugural Address - Takako Hashimoto, Director, IEEE Region 10, Vice President, Chiba University of Commerce
9:35 - 9:45 AMIntroduction of International Returning mothers day
9:45 - 9:50 AMLaunch of International Returning Mothers Day
9:50 - 10:00 AMPresentation on Activities for International Returning mothers day
10:00 - 10:05 AMSample event video
10:05 - 10:30 AMPartner Felicitation / Guest Felicitation

Closing Ceremony (16/11/2024)

TimeSession Details
4:00 - 4:05 PMWelcome Address to the awards ceremony - Harivardhagini
4:05 - 4:25 PMHonouring the awardees
4:25 - 4:30 PMHonouring S V Sankaran
4:30 - 4:40 PMHonouring the WIE Awardees
4:40 - 4:50 PMIdeathon & Pitchfest awardees
4:50 - 5:10Award session by Region 10 ACEI
5:10 - 5:20 PMFeedback from the participants
5:20 - 5:23 PMVote of thanks by Anandhi Giridharan, IISc
5:23- 5:30 PMPhoto session

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