Career Life Wheel Track

Abstract for Track:

The “Career Life Wheel” track at the Returning Mothers Conference 2024 aims to provide a holistic approach to career development and personal well-being for returning parents and students. This track addresses the multifaceted nature of modern careers, emphasizing the importance of integrating professional growth with personal well-being. Through a series of expert-led workshops, panel discussions, inspirational talks, and networking opportunities, attendees will gain actionable insights, practical strategies, and a supportive community to help them achieve their goals. This track empowers you to thrive as a working parent. You’ll leave with actionable strategies, a renewed sense of confidence, and the knowledge that you’re not alone in this journey.


Manage Work Stress

Explore techniques to navigate demanding workloads, prioritize tasks, and set boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Build a Strong Support Network

Connect with other working parents who have overcome similar challenges. Find strength and motivation through shared experiences and build a supportive community.

Achieve Work-Life Balance

Discover how to create a sustainable routine that allows you to excel in your career while nurturing your personal life.

Boost Time Management Skills

Learn time-saving strategies and productivity hacks to maximize your efficiency at work and home.

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