Distribution of registration kits to the audience and attendance
IEEE R10, Delhi Section, NorthCap University & Organizing Committee, IEEE Computer Society
Moderated discussion with WIE Chairs of all IEEE Sections - Theme needs to be mentioned
Moderator : Rashmi Agarwal
MTR Track: A Conscious Effort at Revitalizing Self Esteem by Mallika Gope
WAYOP Track: My Choice - My Work - My Pace by Dr. Kaibalya Kumar Sethi
BMS Track: Panel Discussion - Panelists: Dr. Rekha J., Debanjana D., Rachana, Arundhati
MTR Track: Get Going MOM by Jyoti Ahuja
BMS Track: Panel Discussion (Contd.) - Panelists: Dr. Rekha J., Debanjana D., Rachana, Arundhati
MTR Track: Cultivating Women In Engineering Groups in Workspace by SreeLakshmi
WAYOP Track: Finance for working at your own pace by Vinod Shashtri
BMS Track: Aligning body, mind, & spirit to balance mother, teacher, & professional within you by Ruchika Gupta
Working towards Equality and B-Quality (Better Quality) by NGOs Presentation [Common for all tracks]
MTR Track: Empowering themselves through digital literacy and communication
WAYOP Track: Empathise with users : A way of Design Thinking to Problem Solving
BMS Track: Leadership Training by Lt. Yashodhara Raj
MTR Track: Lightning Session - Mindfullness & Self-Recognition by Monica Nagpal
WAYOP Track:Training Session : Blended Learning by R Lenin Raja
BMS Track: TBD